Saturday, February 29, 2020

A Calm Mind Is A Healthy Mind

A Calm Mind Is A Healthy Mind For many people, a low-grade amount of stress is a part of everyday life. So, they may not recognize that it has a negative impact on their overall health. Studies have shown that feeling stress or anxiety on a long-term basis doesn’t just affect your peace of mind. In fact, you’re more likely to suffer from things like digestive issues and a weak immune system if your mind is persistently stressed. Cortisol, the hormone your body produces when you’re feeling stressed, can take a heavy toll on your physical and mental health. Because of this, giving your mind time to relax and recover is one of the most important self-care routines that you can practice. Your state of mind has the potential to greatly benefit your health, or degrade it, over time. Digestion Your liver produces glucose to give you an energy boost when your body is feeling the effects of stress. Whatever your body doesn’t use is then reabsorbed. However, if you’re suffering from chronic stress, your body may not be able to keep up with the extra blood sugar your liver is producing. You may be at an increased risk of developing type-2 diabetes if your body is producing too much glucose. You’re more likely to have heartburn or acid reflux if you suffer from stress. Stress doesn’t cause ulcers, but it may cause pre-existing ulcers to act up. Sexuality and Reproductive System Stress affects the menstrual cycles of some women. You may have irregular or even non-existent periods or more painful or heavier cycles. Too much stress may magnify the physical symptoms of menopause for women. For men, prolonged periods of stress can result in a drop of testosterone levels, erectile dysfunction and even impotency. For many, the loss of sexual appetite is a common occurrence as a result of too much stress. Immune System Stress is known to stimulate the immune system, which is good if it’s short-term because it helps your body stave off infection and heals wounds. But if you’re stressed for prolonged periods of time, cortisol compromises your immune system. This inhibits histamine secretion and your body’s inflammatory response to foreign dangers. People who are affected by chronic stress are more likely to catch viral illnesses like the common cold. It also takes more time for the body to recover from injuries or illness, if you’re chronically stressed. Relaxation Techniques to Calm Your Mind There are numerous techniques for calming your mind. For some, exercise is an excellent outlet to give their mind time to recharge. Meditation is a well known method for clearing your mind. There are many different styles of meditation, tailored to suit your needs and lifestyle. Remember to focus on the positives rather than focusing on everything that’s going wrong around you. Practice self love and compassion and acknowledge your reality rather than criticizing yourself. Set daily routines that will provide a day-to-day sense of peace and comfort that you can use to escape the stresses of everyday life, even if it’s just for a few minutes each day. The well-being of your mind plays a very significant role in your health, physically and mentally. Maintaining a peaceful state of mind is one of the best ways to protect your body from the negative effects of stress. Remember that stress and anxiety are inevitable hurdles everyone deals with. It’s how you manage the stresses of your everyday life that’s important. It’s also the key to overcoming them.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

MGT599 MoD 2 TD WEEK 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MGT599 MoD 2 TD WEEK 2 - Essay Example This paper mainly tries to accomplish a brief analysis of the industry of food. However, in order to do so, PEST analysis and Porter’s Five Forces model are used. With the help of these analytical techniques, the recent opportunities and threats are evaluated about the food industry. After analyzing the opportunities and threats, the ways in which, these are effective for the Kraft Food Group is also evaluated within this paper. Moreover, in what ways, the Kraft Food Group might mitigate the risks and threats presented by the political, social or economic factors as well as threat of new entrants are also evaluated, so as to enhance its position and demand in the market among many other rival players. Threat of Entry: the threat of entrance of new players within the industry of food is quite tough due to excess capital requirements. In order to present differentiated products, high technology machineries are required that are generally out of the budget to the new entrants (Enz, 2009). Moreover, if the new entrants fail to offer, high quality products, then the customers may not prefer these products and their market share and profitability may not be increased (Ma, 2014). However, due to presence of these barriers, the rate of new entrance is low and this act as one of the strengths for the Kraft food group that offers a high impact on growing market share of the company. Rivalry: the extent of competitive rivalry among the existing players of food industry is extremely high (Kotler, 2008). However, in order to mitigate such rivalry, most of the existing players such as General Mills and Nestle always try to offer high attention over its research and development department to introduce new products frequently. This might prove effective for the existing players of food industry to amplify its demand and position in the market (Jones & George, 2004). However, because of high attention over research department, both of these organizations

Saturday, February 1, 2020

How do Senor Flores, Senora Flores and Dr. Jean View this Situation Essay

How do Senor Flores, Senora Flores and Dr. Jean View this Situation from Totally Different Perspectives - Essay Example He also does not want to listen to the advice of Dr. Jean. The Latino’s belief in machismo makes Senor Flores feel offended if he listens to Dr. Jean’s advice. He thinks that his male ego is insulted. The perspective of Senora Flores on Alejandro’s situation is very fatalistic, or what the Latino’s term as fatalism. She feels that she is being punished by God that is why Alejandro is sick. She is suffering from inferiority complex and feels that she is being discriminated at the hospital for being a Latino and not speaking much. She is afraid that Alejandro will be discriminated too in school because he is sickly. Senora Flores feels overburdened by the responsibility of taking care of Alejandro. But at the same time, she believes that her mother should help her take care of Alejandro. She respects her mother, so much so that when she suggested that Alejandro is taken to an espiritista, she blindly followed her although she probably disagrees with her. Dr. Jean’s perspective of Alejandro’s situation is exactly the opposite of the views of the Flores family. She does not totally understand the Latino culture and beliefs; thus, resulting in misunderstandings with them. The first conflict is with regards to time. She dislikes the Flores’ disregard of time. She also feels that just because she is a woman, Senor Flores does not like to listen to her advice. She does not understand why the Flores’ had to consult an espiritista instead of just following her medical advice and give him his medicines. Dr. Jean is an example of a doctor who is quite detached to the family of her patient. She does not realize that it is important for a Latino family that they see some simpatia from their medical provider. Senora Flores chose to consult an espiritista when Alejandro was not getting better probably through the prodding of her mother.