Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Construction Management A case study

Questions: 1. Who participated in the assessment of client value, and what were their roles? 2. what procedures were effective, and what are your recommendations for improvement? 3. critically discuss how the workshop model presented by Thyssen et al.might be effective for your project and describe what challenges you would expect in utilizing such a mode? Answers: Introduction: Construction management requires the assessment of the client value and the roles of different experts and clients representatives so that the most desirous outcome is achieved in the end. Various procedures are also required to be followed so as to achieve an effective outcome. Furthermore recommendations can be given to improve the outcome. Finally a critical analysis can be done for the workshop model as presented by Thyssen et al that prove effective for the project. Various challenges can also be identified that can be expected in utilizing such a mode(Harris et al., 2013). Analyzing the case study: 1. Participants in the assessment of client value and their roles: 12 participants took part in the assessment of the client value. These people were consisting of architects, engineers, landscape architect, general contractor, representatives process facilitator, client project leader, facility manager, client in house engineer and landscape architect, and city representatives. There roles were to evaluate the process by answering the anonymous questionnaires related to the construction project. This way they were asked t rank the process against the initially agreed process values on scale of 1 to 10. 1 was considered least preferable outcome while 10 was considered the best and most desirable outcome. This way their role was to help identify and recognize the areas where extra efforts were required to achieve Value Management for the client. The outcome was that the various issues were recognized such as need for more space in bathrooms and bedrooms, requirement of the supplement ventilation system for improving indoor climate and that all has to be achieved in the given budget(Ganaway Nick, 2006). 2. Procedures and recommendations for improvement: The procedures that were effective were as follows. 1. Application of Lean Production Development system can help in reducing wastage and increasing efficiency and output from the business operations.2. Making large project leaders can help in assigning proper authorities and controlling delivering responsibilities.3. Means of efficiency in meetings can help in recognizing the requirements for the success of the business right from the earlier stage of development.4. Recognizing of policy deployment with regard to translating client values can help in achieving the most desired outcome from the business process.5. Applying the integrated skill can achieve production oriented participation through employee participation leading to creation of synergy effect.6. Realizing the value of frontloading the process by taking sufficient amount of time to explore client needs and make the changes accordingly.7. Predicting the future and understanding the drivers for client values can bring in order to predict the change in the value system that best suits the business process to meet various client needs.8. Knowledge information application can bring in innovative ideas and more feasible outcome that best meets the requirements of the client.9. Identifying stakeholders analysis becomes easier through the application of the procedure that could recognize the clients expectations and desires from the outcome of the business process. Recommendations include the followings for the improvement. 1. Selection and application of the most appropriate procedure after careful analysis of the problem.2. Giving priority to the clients expectations can help in bringing most desired outcome.Feasibility of the construction project in terms of time and monetary constraints should be done at regular intervals so as to keep the project cost under budget.1. Authorizing the most deserving expert employees for work.2. Regular control and review of the project and its comparison with the estimated outcome can help in achieving the most appropriate outcome. (Imbert, June 90 Vol 8 Issue 2) 3. Critically discussion on the workshop model: The Workshop model presented by Thyssen et al can prove to be very effective for the construction project by following the below stated process. Step 1: Establishing a though that support the idea of Workshop and partnering between the employees and clients. Step 2: Making Workshop 1 with a vision for value free product outcome. Step 3: Creating design alternatively so that the various options can be presented before the expert and clients representatives. Step 4: Making Workshop 2 to achieve the nearest to realism and feasibility for the project. Step 5: Making Workshop 3 in which the criticism and concise review of the three workshops including this and earlier two is done. The presentation of the most appropriate design is made in this workshop out of the various options. The evaluation of the product value is done at this workshop along with recognizing of the various constraints and collaboration process required to achieve the project completion. Step 6: The approval is done to get the most desirous outcome. (Johnstone et al., July 2012 Vol 30 Issue 7) However the criticism for the above stated workshop model is done on following points. There is no predefined step that has to be followed at various point of business process. The designs that are made alternatively may not achieve the clients requirements. The feasibility of the project is questioned when the resource allocation does not meets the pre-specified quality requirements. The constraints of time and money can result in affecting the following of the various workshops for getting desired outcomes. This way the challenges that can be expected in utilizing such a mode include the followings.1. Managing the application of various Workshops at various intervals so that the constraints cannot affect the quality outcome that is expected.2. The steps suggested should be followed from the first day of the initiation of the project.3. The feasibility of the project should be made well in advance so that the budgetary requirements can be defined much before the project actually starts. (Ganaway Nick, 2006) Conclusion: In the end, the Construction management assessment is required to achieve client value using the different procedures that can help in getting the most desired outcome. Finally the critical analysis of the Thyssen et al method is done with a view to figure out the various challenges that can affect the utilization of such mode. Bibliography: Debrah, Y.A. Ofori, G., March 2006, Vol 17 Issue 3. Human Resource Development of professionals in an emerging economy: The case of the Tanzanian construction industry. International Journal of Human Resource Management, pp.440-63. Ganaway Nick, B., 2006. Construction business management: A guide to contracting for business success. Auchmuty. Greenwald, J., 2011. Professional liability risks grow with green construction. [Online] Available at: Hale, G., 2013. Modern Home Builders Talk New Construction Trends - Construction Industry News and Articles. [Online] Available at: Harris, F., McCaffer, R. Edum, F.F., 2013. Modern construction management. Auchmuty. Imbert, I.D.C., June 90 Vol 8 Issue 2. Human issues affecting construction in developing countries. Construction Management Economics, p.219. Johnstone et al., July 2012 Vol 30 Issue 7. Changing patterns of human resource management in construction. Construction Management Economics, pp.507-12. Mitchel, M., 2013. Collaboration Brings About Innovation - Construction Industry News and Articles. [Online] Available at: Park et al., October 2012 Vol 28 Issue 4. Construction Business Cycle Analysis Using the Regime Switching Model. Journal of Management in Engineering, pp.362-71.

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